12 Foods You Should Stop Buying Now to Save Money at Any Grocery Store

Foods You Should Stop Buying Now to Save Money at Any Grocery Store

In today’s economy, saving money at the grocery store is more crucial than ever. With prices fluctuating and budgets tightening, smart shopping has become an essential skill. One effective way to cut costs is by avoiding certain high-priced items that can sneakily increase your grocery bill. Here are 12 foods you might skip on your next shopping trip to keep more money in your pocket.

1. Pre-Cut Fruits and Vegetables

Pre-Cut Fruits and Vegetables

While pre-cut fruits and vegetables offer convenience, they come at a premium. These items are often marked up significantly compared to their whole counterparts. By investing a few extra minutes in chopping and preparing these foods at home, you can save a considerable amount each month. Plus, whole produce stays fresh longer, providing better value for your money and less food waste.

2. Gourmet Cheeses

Gourmet Cheeses

Cheese lovers might be tempted by the array of gourmet cheeses available at specialty counters, but these selections can be pricey. Opt for standard varieties or purchase larger blocks that you can slice or shred yourself to save money. Many store brands offer quality cheese at a fraction of the cost of gourmet labels without significantly sacrificing taste or quality.

3. Spices and Seasonings

Spices and Seasonings

Spice racks at grocery stores are filled with small, expensive bottles. However, buying spices in bulk or from discount stores can lead to significant savings. You often pay more for brand-name packaging than for the spices themselves. Consider refilling your spice jars at bulk food stores where spices cost less than half as much per ounce.

4. Bottled Water

Bottled Water

Purchasing bottled water is not only costly over time, but it also contributes to environmental waste. Investing in a reusable water bottle and a good-quality water filter can drastically reduce your grocery costs. Tap water in many areas is perfectly safe and can be enhanced with filtering, making this a smart financial and environmental move.

5. Pre-Packaged Meals and Snacks

Pre-Packaged Meals and Snacks

Convenience comes at a cost when it comes to pre-packaged meals and snacks. Not only are these items more expensive per serving, but they also often contain unhealthy preservatives and additives. By preparing homemade meals and snacks, you not only save money but also control the ingredients, tailoring your diet to be healthier.

6. Name Brand Cereals

Name Brand Cereals

Cereals can be expensive grocery store items, especially name-brand boxes. Store brands often contain the same ingredients and taste as their branded counterparts but at a lower price. Look for generic versions or buy cereals in bulk to save money without compromising breakfast quality.

7. Coffee Pods

Coffee Pods

Single-serve coffee pods are convenient but costly. If coffee is a daily necessity, consider switching to a traditional coffee maker or a French press. Buying coffee beans in bulk and grinding them yourself can significantly reduce your cost per cup. Not only will this practice save money, but many also find that freshly ground coffee tastes better.

8. Herbal Teas

Herbal Teas

Herbal teas are another grocery item with a high markup, especially specialty and organic brands. Buying loose-leaf teas or larger, value-sized packages can cut costs. Additionally, consider blending your own teas using bulk herbs and spices for a more personalized and cost-effective option.

9. Fresh Herbs

Fresh Herbs

While fresh herbs add a significant flavor boost to dishes, they can be expensive and often go to waste due to their short shelf life. Growing herbs in a small kitchen garden or on a windowsill is a fun and easy alternative. This not only saves money but ensures you always have fresh herbs on hand.

10. Nut Butters

Nut Butters

Nut butters are delicious and nutritious but can be pricey, particularly the organic or specialty types. Making your own nut butter at home with a food processor allows for customization in terms of added ingredients and texture, and can be more cost-effective. Bulk nuts purchased during sales can be used for this purpose, providing further savings.

11. Organic Produce

Organic Produce

While organic produce is beneficial for health and the environment, it can also be double the price of conventional counterparts. To save money, prioritize your organic purchases using the Environmental Working Group’s “Dirty Dozen” list to buy the most pesticide-heavy fruits and vegetables organically while opting for non-organic for the “Clean Fifteen.”

12. Exotic or Out-of-Season Produce

Exotic or Out-of-Season Produce

Exotic and out-of-season produce can significantly bump up your grocery bill. These items have often traveled long distances, adding to their cost. Opting for seasonal, locally sourced produce not only supports local farmers but also costs less. Plus, local produce is often fresher and packed with more nutrients.

Save Money at Any Grocery Store by Shopping Wisely

Save Money at Any Grocery Store by Shopping Wisely

Being mindful of what you put in your cart at the grocery store is crucial for keeping your spending in check. By avoiding certain high-cost items and opting for more economical alternatives, you can significantly reduce your monthly grocery bill. Remember, every little bit adds up, and with these smart shopping tips, you can enjoy a full pantry without emptying your wallet.

Read More:

Financial Freedom Through Foliage: 8 Plants That Can Slash Your Grocery Bills

9 Buffet Foods You Should Skip (and Why)

10 Home Upgrades That Pay for Themselves in Under a Year!

10 Home Upgrades That Pay for Themselves in Under a Year!

In the world of homeownership, the term ‘home upgrades’ is synonymous with heavy investment and long-term returns. However, the narrative is swiftly changing with the advent of smart, eco-friendly, and cost-effective home improvement options. Today, we explore 10 such home upgrades that not only elevate your living experience but also promise a return on investment – either in direct savings or increased home value – in under a year.

1. Smart Thermostats

Smart Thermostats

Gone are the days of manual temperature adjustments. Smart thermostats, with their ability to learn your schedule and adjust the temperature accordingly, can save up to 10-12% on heating and 15% on cooling costs annually. This intelligent device ensures your home is comfortable when you’re there and energy-efficient when you’re not, making it a top contender in cost-effective home upgrades.

2. LED Lighting Conversion

LED Lighting Conversion

Replacing incandescent bulbs with LED lighting is a simple yet impactful upgrade that has an immediate impact on your utility costs. LEDs consume at least 75% less energy and last 25 times longer, ensuring significant savings on your electricity bill. With an average payback period of just a few months, this upgrade is a bright idea for any homeowner.

3. Low-Flow Water Fixtures

Low-Flow Water Fixtures

Water conservation is a critical aspect of sustainable living, and cutting back can save you a bundle. Installing low-flow faucets, showerheads, and toilets can reduce your water usage by 20-60%, translating to considerable savings on your water bill. This eco-friendly upgrade not only conserves precious resources but also pays for itself rapidly.

4. High-Efficiency Appliances

High-Efficiency Appliances

Energy-efficient appliances may have a higher upfront cost, but their operating costs are significantly lower. Plus, they increase the value of your home, giving you another return on your investment. Upgrading to ENERGY STAR-certified refrigerators, dishwashers, and washing machines can save you hundreds of dollars annually in energy bills, making this upgrade a wise financial decision in the long run.

5. Programmable Blinds

Programmable Blinds

Programmable blinds are a perfect blend of convenience and energy efficiency. By adjusting themselves based on the time of day, they can help maintain your home’s temperature, reducing the load on your HVAC system. This smart upgrade not only enhances your home’s aesthetic but also contributes to your energy savings.

6. Solar Panels

Solar Panels

While the initial installation cost of solar panels can be steep, the long-term savings are substantial. With the potential to reduce your electricity bill by up to 100% and possible access to rebates or tax breaks, solar panels are a worthwhile investment. In some regions, you can even earn credits for the surplus energy you generate, making this upgrade a lucrative one.

7. Insulation and Sealing

Insulation and Sealing

Proper insulation and sealing can significantly reduce your heating and cooling costs. Upgrading your attic’s insulation and sealing leaks around doors and windows can improve your home’s energy efficiency dramatically, with payback periods often less than a year.

8. Smart Irrigation Systems

Smart Irrigation Systems

For homeowners with a green thumb, smart irrigation systems can be a game-changer. By optimizing water usage based on weather conditions and plant needs, these systems can reduce outdoor water use by up to 50%, ensuring your garden thrives without unnecessary water wastage.

9. Home Automation Systems

Home Automation Systems

Integrating a home automation system can streamline your home’s energy consumption. By controlling lighting, HVAC, and other systems through a single platform, you can ensure that your home operates at peak efficiency, reducing unnecessary energy use and saving money in the process.

10. Window Upgrades

Window Upgrades

Upgrading to energy-efficient windows can have a profound impact on your home’s energy consumption and the value of your home. With the ability to keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, these windows can reduce your energy bills by up to 12%, making them a smart investment for any homeowner.

Update Your Home with These Home Upgrades Today!

Update Your Home with These Home Upgrades Today

The idea of home upgrades has evolved from mere aesthetic enhancements to smart, sustainable investments. The above-mentioned upgrades not only promise a comfortable and efficient living environment but also ensure that your investment pays off in less than a year. In the current economic and environmental landscape, these upgrades are not just desirable; they are essential for any forward-thinking homeowner. Whether it’s through smart technology, energy efficiency, or water conservation, these home upgrades represent the future of responsible and cost-effective homeownership.

Read More:

10 Home Improvement Projects to Increase Your Home’s Value

14 Easy Steps to Declutter and Organize Your Home

12 Tips for Maximizing Your Social Security Benefits

It’s a fact – trying to figure out Social Security benefits is hard. But it doesn’t have to be! With just a little bit of strategy and a dash of know-how, you can ensure your golden years are just that – golden. Here are 12 tips for anyone out there who’s looking to squeeze every penny out of Social Security. You might be surprised at just how many ways you can save!

1. Delay, Delay, Delay

Think about claiming your Social Security benefits like a fine wine. The longer you let it age, the better it will finally taste. Claiming benefits before your full retirement age (FRA) means you’re leaving money on the table. Wait until you’re 70, and you’ll be rolling in an extra 8% per year. Who doesn’t love a good bonus?

2. Work a Little Longer

Likewise, sticking it out in the workforce for a couple more years can beef up your benefits. Social Security calculates your payout based on your 35 highest-earning years. So, if you’re earning more now than you did back in the disco era, working a bit longer can replace those lower-earning years. Cha-ching!

3. Get Spousal Savvy

If you and your better half are both eligible for Social Security, play the system like it should be played. One of you can claim benefits based on the other’s record for a while, then switch to your own higher benefit later. This way, you can get more money while also using both of your earnings.

4. Don’t Forget the Ex

However, if you’re divorced, don’t worry – an ex-spouse’s earnings record could be your secret weapon. If the marriage lasted at least ten years, you might get up to 50% of your ex’s benefit without them ever knowing. Talk about a parting gift! It really depends on how things ended, so speak to a lawyer to get things sorted out.

5. Avoid the Tax Trap

Believe it or not, Uncle Sam can tax up to 85% of your Social Security if you’re not careful. Keep your income in check, and perhaps try converting to a Roth IRA. You should also be careful when withdrawing from retirement accounts if you want to keep the taxman at bay. Of course, we don’t support breaking the law – only do what is legal!

6. Check for Errors

Your Social Security statement is not immune to the occasional mistake. To fight this, you need to regularly review your earnings so that you’re getting credit for every penny you’ve earned. Spot a mistake? Getting it corrected could mean a nicer chunk of change come retirement and far less of a headache.

7. Max Out the Family Benefits

If you have a few dependents, you might be able to increase your household’s Social Security take. Family benefits can top out at up to 180% of your full retirement benefit, so make sure all eligible family members get in on the action. Who knew having a big family could be so profitable?

8. Don’t Earn Too Much, Too Soon

For those still punching the clock and yet to reach their Full Retirement Age (FRA), there’s a cap on how much you can earn before it starts eating into your Social Security benefits. For every two dollars you earn over the threshold, the government withholds one dollar of your benefits is withheld. Keep this in mind if you’re looking to supplement your income before reaching FRA.

9. Coordinate With Your Boo

When it comes to Social Security, two heads are often better than one. Couples have the advantage of being able to plan when and how they claim their benefits to maximize their combined income in retirement. One of you could claim benefits early while the other waits, or you could delay claims to get a bigger payout. Seriously – it pays to be married! 

10. Consider Your Longevity

Deciding when to claim Social Security benefits means thinking about your health and family history of longevity. If you’re blessed with the potential for a longer-than-average life span, delaying your benefits can be a wise move. Waiting beyond your Full Retirement Age allows your monthly benefit amount to increase, which is essentially a larger safety net as you age. 

11. Invest Early Retirement Benefits Wisely

If you don’t need your Social Security benefits immediately upon early retirement, consider investing them instead of spending them. This can significantly increase their value over time, especially if you’re looking at a long-term horizon like ten years or more. You never know, you might drastically increase your financial security for your later years!

12. Seek Professional Help

Of course, the most important thing of all is to get a financial advisor to give you more clarity and direction over your Social Security Benefits. These professionals can offer personalized advice based on your financial situation. This way, you can receive the maximum benefit possible, tailored to your unique needs and goals.

Making the Most

There you have it – 12 smart tips to help you make the most of your Social Security benefits. With a little bit of planning, you can make sure that your retirement years are as comfortable and prosperous as they should be. Remember, you don’t want to just get by – you want to live it up. So go ahead and make your golden years shine!

10 Smart Estate Planning Steps To Take Before Retirement

As you edge closer to swapping your morning alarm for the calmness of retirement, it’s important to tidy up the less glamorous yet undeniably important aspects of our lives—estate planning. Estate planning might sound boring, but it’s a very important thing to do before you retire. Here are ten ways to hit to do it – and do it will!

1. Will Power

Think of your will as the greatest hits album of your life. It’s where you lay down the final tracklist of who gets what so that your treasured bass guitar doesn’t end up in hands that can’t carry a tune. If you get your will organized, you’ll be able to ensure that your legacy plays on, even if you’re not around for the encore.

2. Trust in Trusts

Another important step is to establish a trust. This way, your assets can skip the long lines of probate court and keep everything sailing smoothly after you’re gone. It’s a smart move if you want to ensure your estate doesn’t get stuck in legal limbo. After all, nobody wants to deal with that!

3. Power Play

Designating a power of attorney means giving a reliable individual the authority to manage crucial aspects of your life should you become unable to do so yourself. This includes financial affairs and healthcare decisions. Doing so means that every critical decision is in good hands and your personal affairs are managed well. 

4. Healthcare Headliner

An advance healthcare directive is an important document that shows your wishes for medical treatment in situations where you’re unable to express them. It acts as a guide for healthcare providers so that your healthcare preferences are known and respected. As such, doctors can keep your well-being front and center.

5. Beneficiary Bonanza

Updating your life insurance beneficiaries means that lawyers can pass on your financial legacy exactly as you intended. This process is straightforward yet necessary to ensure that your assets are given to the right people. It requires a lot of precision and care, but you seriously can’t overestimate its importance. 

6. Retirement Rollerover

If you move your retirement funds into an IRA or a comparable plan, you’ll be able to tidy up your finances and cut down on those pesky fees. Doing this will allow your nest egg to continue growing alongside you. It’ll be ready to hatch in sync with your dreams for retirement, giving you all the cash you need.

7. Digital Debut

One thing many people forget about is safeguarding online treasures. Whether it’s tweets, emails, or Bitcoin, you want to make your digital legacy work alongside your real-world goals. This way, you can secure your online identity and valuables with the same passion that you have for your physical assets.

8. Tax Tune-Up

We also strongly recommend speaking with a tax professional so you can fine-tune your estate for the best tax benefits. Doing so can help you change your estate to follow tax laws and lighten the financial load on your heirs. After all, don’t you want the inheritance process to be simple?

9. Philanthropic Feature

If you’re feeling particularly generous, you might want to integrate charitable contributions into your estate plan. This will allow you to leave a positive impact on the causes you care about and may also provide some tax benefits. Even after you’re gone, you can still make a lasting difference. 

10. Regular Review

Consistently reviewing and updating your estate plan is important so that it reflects your current wishes and life circumstances. No matter how your life changes, whether it’s through family relationships or financial situations, you should change your estate plan to reflect this. This means that it will continue to accurately reflect your future plans. 

A Serious Task

We get it – estate planning before retiring isn’t the most exhilarating task, but it’s certainly one of the most important. Without it, there’s no way you can retire peacefully and securely. Don’t you want to know you’ve given it all down to the very last detail? So, take these steps, fine-tune your estate plan, and then go ahead – enjoy your retirement!

4 Cost-Effective Organic Garden Fertilizers


4 Cost-Effective Organic Garden Fertilizers

Regardless of what you’re growing, your plants need nutrients. Without fertilizer, your plants will fail to thrive and grow big and strong. In the case of edibles, a lack of nutrients can limit your crop and lead to poor production. Unfortunately, many fertilizers on the market are expensive. Thankfully there are cost-effective organic fertilizers you can use to boost your garden’s productivity.

A word of caution

Before I jump into a list of cost-effective organic fertilizer suggestions, I want to talk a bit about fertilizing in general. Piling on fertilizer will NOT automatically make your garden more lush and productive. Fertilizing without testing your soil first can lead to a host of problems down the road. With fertilizer, more is not always better.

Always test your soil first to find out whether your garden is lacking nutrients. Read up about plant nutrient needs to ensure you’re applying the right fertilizer.

While organic fertilizer is a lot less harmful to the environment than synthetic fertilizer, too much of it can still pose problems, so be cautious! If you think your plants are hungry for nutrients, double check first. They may be stressed or ailing for a different reason.

Organic fertilizers are an excellent alternative to synthetic ones because they help build soil quality over time and improve the soil’s ability to retain nutrients and water. They’re a lot less concentrated, which helps prevent overfertilization—though, it’s still possible with certain commercial options.

Cost-Effective Organic Fertilizers

Fertilizers can be expensive. Organic options are even more so! So what are the options available for a frugal gardener? Here are a few cost-effective organic fertilizers to choose from:

Worm castings. Set up a worm farm or attract worms using a bucket system and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Castings is a nice way of saying poop, but this excrement is mighty powerful! Worm poop is high in nitrogen and full of beneficial microbes and bacteria.

Coco coir. Coconut husks are an inexpensive, earth-friendly alternative to peat moss. While coir doesn’t contain nutrients, it helps condition the soil and improves water and nutrient retention.  It’s also a great mulch option.

Homemade compost. It’s easy to make your own compost at home! You’ll need a balanced mix of kitchen scraps and other materials like dead leaves and grass clippings to get some rotting action going. Over time, the materials break down into a powerhouse of nutrients for your garden.

Seaweed. Sea kelp fertilizer is pricey, but if you live near a shoreline, you can collect your own smelly seaweed, let it rot for a bit, and make a seaweed fertilizer tea. It’s not ideal for people who are sensitive to pungent smells, but it’s a great totally free source of nutrients!

Free Funeral Home Plants


Free Funeral Home Plants

Before you discount the idea of free funeral plants, bear with me on this one. Getting free plants from a funeral home is possible. However, you may have to step out of your comfort zone for this trick. Even those of you who consider yourselves outgoing might feel a bit odd about using a funeral home as a free plant source (This is one of the main reasons I left it out of Ways To Get Plants For Free).

Funeral homes are an excellent place to get free plants because almost everyone has the same initial reaction as you did. Ultimately, this means that in a nation where there is competition for virtually everything, this is one area where hardly a single person is taking advantage.

Almost every town has at least one funeral home and most funerals involve flowers and plants. Years ago, I became aware that many families leave plants and flowers at the funeral home for various reasons. Often, it’s because many people just don’t have the space for all of them at home.

How to Get Free Funeral Plants

Here’s how to set up a local funeral home connection.

The first step is to call the funeral home, introduce yourself, and explain your offer to them. You can solve their problem of what to do with the plants—at no cost to them. If they express any interest at all, leave your name, phone number, and email. You should promise to pick up any plants within 24 hours of a phone call.

If you don’t sense a positive reaction to your offer, ask to speak to a supervisor or owner, and repeat the offer. If that call doesn’t garner some interest, thank them and move on to the next name on your list.

You might be surprised when you get your first return phone call. At this point, ask for specific directions as to when and where to pick up the plants. Follow them to the letter. After the first pick up, follow up with a note to the funeral home, thanking them and giving them your contact information again.

What to do With Your Haul

Once the plants are at home, do some sorting and decide which plants can go outdoors and which are going to become houseplants. Depending on the time of year and the weather in your zone, you can either get your new plants in the ground or treat the whole batch as house plants until you can safely plant them outside.

There may be a few plants in the bunch that has seen better days by the time you get them home. This is nothing to fret about. You can add the plant to your compost pile, put the soil in your container of potting mix and clean up the pot so you can put it to good use.

All in all, you stand to gain many plants for very little effort. It’s all a matter of getting over that first hurdle most people have about dealing with a funeral home.