I’ve said it before. It’s so important for a frugal gardener to plan. While gardeners without a strict budget can afford to be a little lax when it comes to planning, those who are looking to save money, in the long run, need to be meticulous and start thinking about their garden layout months,…
garden planning
Discover Your Gardening Zone: Find Out Where You Should Be Planting!
Understanding your gardening zone is the key to a thriving garden. It helps you determine what plants will flourish in your area, taking the guesswork out of gardening. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about gardening zones so you can confidently answer the question, “What gardening zone am I…
The Importance of Crop Rotation
It’s that time of year again! Gardeners are starting to plan out the season. Usually, I spend this month sketching out a rough plan for my garden—taking crop rotation principles into account. I also start some seeds in my basement. This year, though, the pandemic has me changing up my plans. I’m giving my…