12 Reasons Why Boomers Make This Country Great

Reasons Why Boomers Make This Country Great

The Baby Boomer generation – those born between 1946 and 1964 – has been a transformative force in shaping the modern landscape of the United States. Their impact is evident across various facets of society, from economic growth and technological innovation to cultural shifts and social justice movements. Here, we explore 12 compelling reasons why Boomers continue to make this country great, highlighting their contributions and enduring legacy.

1. Economic Prosperity and Growth

Economic Prosperity and Growth

Boomers have been pivotal in driving the post-World War II economic boom, which saw unprecedented growth and prosperity. Their hard work, entrepreneurship, and consumerism fueled expansions in industries ranging from automotive to real estate, laying the groundwork for the prosperity many enjoy today. Their investments in education, housing, and the stock market have not only secured their own financial futures but also contributed to the economic stability of the nation.

2. Technological Innovations

Technological Innovations

This generation has been at the forefront of technological advancements. From the creation of the personal computer and the internet to advancements in healthcare and engineering, Boomers have been instrumental in pioneering innovations that have revolutionized how we live, work, and communicate. Their contributions have not only made technology more accessible but have also spurred ongoing innovation that continues to shape the digital landscape.

3. Cultural Revolution

Cultural Revolution

The 1960s and 1970s, the formative years for many Boomers, were marked by significant cultural shifts. This generation challenged traditional norms and values, leading to a cultural revolution that embraced freedom of expression, civil rights, and gender equality. Their advocacy for peace, love, and harmony during the tumultuous times of the Vietnam War and civil rights movements has left an indelible mark on American culture.

4. Advancements in Education

Advancements in Education

Boomers have placed a high value on education, leading to widespread improvements in the quality and accessibility of educational institutions. Their demand for higher education led to the expansion of colleges and universities, making higher education more accessible to subsequent generations. Their contributions as educators and policymakers have also played a critical role in shaping the educational landscape.

5. Environmental Awareness

Environmental Awareness

The environmental movement gained significant traction during the Boomers’ youth, leading to groundbreaking legislation and heightened public awareness about environmental issues. Boomers were among the first to advocate for sustainable practices, conservation efforts, and policies aimed at protecting the planet for future generations. Their ongoing commitment to environmental causes continues to inspire activism and policy changes today.

6. Social Justice

Social Justice

Boomers were integral to the civil rights movement, advocating for equality and justice for all Americans, regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation. Their activism helped to dismantle segregation, secure voting rights, and advance women’s and LGBTQ+ rights, contributing to a more inclusive and equitable society. Their legacy of activism continues to influence and inspire current social justice movements.

7. Leadership and Governance

Leadership and Governance

Many Boomers have held and continue to hold significant leadership positions in government, influencing domestic and foreign policy. Their experiences and wisdom have shaped legislative and executive decisions, guiding the nation through periods of prosperity and challenge. Their leadership extends beyond politics, with Boomers holding influential positions in business, academia, and non-profit organizations.

8. Philanthropy and Volunteerism

Philanthropy and Volunteerism

Boomers are known for their generosity and commitment to giving back to their communities. Their philanthropic efforts and volunteer work have supported countless charitable organizations, educational institutions, and community projects. Their spirit of giving and community service has set a powerful example for younger generations, emphasizing the importance of contributing to the greater good.

9. Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The entrepreneurial spirit of the Boomer generation has led to the creation of some of the world’s most successful and innovative companies. Their willingness to take risks, coupled with their work ethic and creativity, has spurred economic growth and job creation, contributing to the dynamism of the American economy.

10. Cultural Contributions

Cultural Contributions

From music and art to literature and film, Boomers have made indelible contributions to the cultural fabric of the nation. Their artistic expressions have not only defined a generation but have also continued to influence and resonate with subsequent generations. Their creativity and innovation in the arts have enriched American culture, making it more diverse and vibrant.

11. Advocacy for Health and Wellness

Advocacy for Health and Wellness

Boomers have been instrumental in shifting attitudes towards health and wellness, promoting active lifestyles, and advocating for healthcare reforms. Their focus on preventive healthcare, fitness, and nutrition has contributed to increased life expectancy and improved quality of life for many Americans. Their advocacy for accessible and affordable healthcare continues to impact healthcare policy and practices.

12. Lifelong Learning and Adaptability

Lifelong Learning and Adaptability

Despite growing up in a vastly different era, Boomers have shown remarkable adaptability, embracing new technologies and continuously engaging in lifelong learning. Their willingness to adapt and learn has not only allowed them to stay relevant in the workforce but has also set a positive example for embracing change and the importance of continuous personal and professional development.

Boomers Do Make This Country Great

Boomers Do Make This Country Great

In conclusion, the Baby Boomer generation’s contributions to American society are vast and varied. From economic growth and technological innovation to cultural revolutions and social justice, their impact is woven into the fabric of the nation. As they continue to contribute their wisdom, experience, and energy, Boomers undeniably make this country great, shaping its present and influencing its future.

12 Fascinating Facts Most People Get Wrong About Narcissism

Fascinating Facts Most People Get Wrong About Narcissism

Narcissism, a term frequently tossed around in both casual conversations and serious discussions, is often misunderstood. This psychological concept goes far beyond mere self-absorption or vanity, touching on deep-seated personality traits and behaviors. Here, we’ll explore 12 fascinating facts about narcissism that challenge common misconceptions, shedding light on the complexities of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and related behaviors. Understanding these nuances is crucial today, where the term is increasingly relevant in discussions about mental health, social media, and leadership.

1. Narcissism Spectrum: Not All or Nothing

Many believe NPD is a clear-cut condition—you either are a narcissist or you’re not. In reality, narcissism exists on a spectrum, ranging from healthy self-esteem to pathological narcissism. Most people exhibit some narcissistic traits, such as confidence or self-focus, without fitting the full diagnostic criteria for NPD. Recognizing this spectrum is key to understanding the varied ways NPD can manifest in behavior and relationships.

2. Narcissism vs. Confidence: A Fine Line

Narcissism vs. Confidence A Fine Line

A common misconception is equating narcissism with high self-confidence. However, the two are fundamentally different. Confidence is a healthy sense of self-worth and abilities, while NPD involves an inflated self-image often rooted in deep-seated insecurities. Narcissists may appear confident, but their self-esteem is fragile and dependent on external validation.

3. Empathy in Narcissism: Not Always Absent

Empathy in Narcissism Not Always Absent

It’s widely believed that narcissists lack empathy entirely, incapable of understanding or caring about others’ feelings. Recent research suggests a more nuanced view: many narcissists can show cognitive empathy, understanding others’ perspectives, but may struggle with emotional empathy or sharing in others’ feelings. This distinction highlights the complexity of narcissism and its impact on interpersonal relationships.

4. Vulnerability: The Hidden Side of Narcissism

Vulnerability The Hidden Side of Narcissism

Contrary to the image of the always confident and brash narcissist, many individuals with NPD experience profound feelings of vulnerability and inadequacy. This “vulnerable narcissism” is characterized by hypersensitivity to criticism, social withdrawal, and a constant need for reassurance. This facet of NPD is often overlooked, leading to misunderstandings about the internal struggles some narcissists face.

5. Narcissism and Success: A Complicated Relationship

Narcissism and Success A Complicated Relationship

The belief that narcissism naturally leads to success, especially in leadership roles, is a simplification. While certain narcissistic traits, like charisma and risk-taking, can be advantageous in leadership, they can also lead to unethical behavior, exploitation of others, and, ultimately, leadership failure. The relationship between NPD and success is complex and highly context-dependent.

6. Genetics vs. Environment in Narcissism Development

Genetics vs. Environment in Narcissism Development

The origins of narcissistic traits are often debated, with many assuming it’s purely a result of upbringing. In reality, narcissism is influenced by a combination of genetic predispositions and environmental factors, such as parenting style, early experiences, and cultural influences. Understanding this interplay is crucial in addressing and treating narcissistic behaviors.

7. Narcissism and Social Media: A Double-Edged Sword

Narcissism and Social Media A Double-Edged Sword

The rise of social media has been linked to increased narcissism, with platforms providing an ideal stage for narcissistic expression. However, it’s a double-edged sword—social media can both amplify narcissistic tendencies and serve as a platform for seeking validation and connection. The relationship between social media and narcissism is complex and not solely responsible for the rise in narcissistic behaviors.

8. Treatment and Change: Hope for Narcissists

There’s a common belief that narcissists can never change. While treating NPD can be challenging, change is possible with appropriate therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Acknowledging the potential for change is essential for both individuals with narcissistic traits and those in relationships with them.

9. Narcissistic Supply: Beyond Attention Seeking

Narcissistic Supply Beyond Attention Seeking

Narcissistic supply refers to the admiration and attention narcissists seek, but it’s more than just about ego. For many narcissists, this “supply” is a way to validate their worth and soothe their deep-seated insecurities. Understanding this need can provide insights into the often perplexing behaviors of narcissists.

10. Narcissism in Relationships: Not Always Dominant

While narcissists are often portrayed as domineering in relationships, their behavior can vary widely. Some may exhibit controlling and manipulative behavior, but others might adopt a more passive or covert approach, using guilt or self-deprecation to meet their needs. Recognizing this diversity is crucial in understanding and navigating relationships with narcissistic individuals.

11. Narcissism and Culture: A Global Perspective

Narcissism and Culture A Global Perspective

Narcissism is often viewed through a Western lens, but cultural factors play a significant role in its expression. In collectivist societies, narcissistic behaviors may be less tolerated or manifest differently than in individualistic cultures. Exploring NPD from a global perspective reveals the influence of cultural values on personality traits.

12. The Gender Myth in Narcissism

Gender Myth in Narcissism

There’s a stereotype that narcissism is predominantly a male trait. However, NPD is not confined to any one gender; it manifests in both men and women, albeit sometimes in different ways. Gendered stereotypes can obscure the recognition of narcissistic traits, particularly in women, leading to underdiagnosis or misinterpretation.

Debunking Narcissism Myths

Debunking Narcissism Myths

By debunking these myths and exploring the multifaceted nature of NPD, we can foster a more nuanced understanding of this complex personality trait. Recognizing the diverse expressions and underlying vulnerabilities associated with narcissism is essential for empathy, effective communication, and addressing the challenges it presents in personal and professional relationships.

14 Leisure Activities Popular in the 70s That Are Now Obsolete

Leisure Activities Popular in the 70s That Are Now Obsolete

The 1970s were a vibrant decade characterized by revolutionary changes in music, fashion, and social norms. This era also brought forth a unique array of leisure activities, many of which have faded into obscurity or evolved significantly in the face of technological advancements and changing societal interests. Here’s an overview of 14 leisure activities that were once the hallmark of 70s culture but are now considered obsolete, offering a nostalgic look back at a bygone era and reflecting on how entertainment has transformed over the decades.

1. Roller Disco: Skating to the Beat

Roller Disco

Roller disco, a unique fusion of roller skating and dance, epitomized the disco era of the 70s. Skaters would glide around a rink adorned with disco balls and neon lights, moving to the latest beats. While roller skating remains popular, the discotheque-on-wheels concept has largely vanished, replaced by modern skate parks and inline skating trends. Roller disco’s decline mirrors the waning of disco music itself, but it remains a cherished memory of 70s nightlife.

2. Drive-In Theaters: Cinema Under the Stars

Drive-In Theaters

Drive-in theaters, where audiences could watch movies from the comfort of their cars, were a quintessential part of 70s Americana. These outdoor cinemas combined entertainment with a sense of community and freedom. However, with the rise of multiplexes and streaming services, drive-ins have become a rarity, more often celebrated for their nostalgia than their convenience in today’s digital age.

3. CB Radio: The Original Social Network

CB Radio

Citizens Band (CB) radio was the 70s equivalent of social media, allowing individuals to communicate across distances without the need for a phone line. CB radio culture was so pervasive that it influenced music, movies, and language. Today, with the advent of instant messaging and social platforms, CB radio is a relic of the past, though it laid the groundwork for the interconnected world we live in now.

4. Arcade Halls: The Golden Age of Gaming

Arcade Halls

Before the era of home gaming consoles, arcade halls were the go-to destinations for video game enthusiasts. Titles like “Space Invaders” became cultural phenomena. While some retro arcades still exist, the ubiquity of gaming on personal devices has rendered the traditional arcade hall a novelty rather than a necessity for modern gamers.

5. Pet Rocks: A Low-Maintenance Craze

Pet Rocks

The Pet Rock was a peculiar fad of the 70s, where rocks were marketed as pets, complete with care manuals. This quirky trend was a testament to the era’s penchant for whimsical, low-maintenance entertainment. Although the Pet Rock is now a humorous footnote in pop culture history, it exemplifies the creative and often eccentric nature of 70s leisure activities.

6. 8-Track Tapes: The Soundtrack of a Decade

8-Track Tapes

The 8-track tape was a popular music format in the 70s, known for its distinctive sound and portability. However, with the advent of more compact and higher-quality formats like cassettes and CDs, 8-tracks became obsolete. Today, they are a symbol of 70s music culture, cherished more for nostalgia than functionality.

7. Mood Rings: Colorful Emotion Detectors

Mood Rings

Mood rings, which purportedly changed color in response to the wearer’s emotional state, were a fashion and leisure novelty of the 70s. While they provided no real insight into one’s emotions, they were a fun, mystical accessory of the time. In today’s era of wearable technology that can genuinely monitor health and mood, the simple mood ring is a quaint reminder of a simpler time in personal gadgets.

8. Fondue Parties: A Social Dining Experience

Fondue Parties

Fondue parties, where guests gathered around a communal pot to dip various foods into melted cheese or chocolate, were a social dining trend of the 70s. While fondue has not disappeared entirely, the widespread popularity of hosting a party specifically around this dining concept has waned in favor of more diverse and health-conscious culinary trends.

9. Macramé: The Art of Knotting


Macramé, the art of creating decorative items using knotting techniques, was a ubiquitous hobby in the 70s, adorning homes with handmade plant hangers, wall hangings, and more. While it has seen a resurgence in recent years as part of the boho chic trend, macramé as a widespread leisure activity has not returned to its 70s popularity levels.

10. Key Parties: Swinging 70s Style

Key Parties

Key parties, a controversial and risqué element of 70s leisure culture, involved couples swapping partners in an effort to embrace sexual liberation. The concept has largely faded from mainstream culture, but it is often cited as an emblem of the decade’s exploratory and boundary-pushing social dynamics.

11. Daisy Chains: Nature’s Craft

Daisy Chains

Making daisy chains was a simple, pastoral pastime that involved linking flowers together to make necklaces or headbands. This leisurely activity, emblematic of the 70s’ connection to nature and the outdoors, has largely been overshadowed by today’s digital entertainment options.

12. Blacklight Posters: Fluorescent Art

Blacklight Posters

Blacklight posters, which glowed under ultraviolet light, were a staple of 70s decor, reflecting the era’s psychedelic art scene. Modern LED technology, and digital art have transformed how we experience visual entertainment and decoration.

13. Soapbox Derbies: Racing Downhill

Soapbox Derbies

Soapbox derbies, where children raced homemade, engineless cars, were a popular community event in the 70s. While still held in some areas, the widespread enthusiasm for these races has diminished in favor of more technologically advanced and accessible forms of entertainment.

14. Jiffy Pop: The Magic of Stovetop Popcorn

Jiffy Pop

Jiffy Pop, with its expandable aluminum foil and stovetop cooking method, made popcorn popping a fun and interactive experience. Although still available, the convenience of microwave popcorn and the allure of gourmet popcorn varieties have primarily eclipsed the once-popular Jiffy Pop ritual.

Appreciating the Leisure Activities of the 70s

Appreciating the Leisure Activities of the 70s

The leisure activities of the 70s reflect a time of social change, technological innovation, and a quest for new forms of entertainment. While many of these pastimes may now be obsolete, they offer a window into the values, creativity, and spirit of an era that continues to influence modern culture in unexpected ways.

5 Tips for Starting a Garden and Landscaping Company

With more people seeing the benefits of having a garden at home, the demand for professional services for gardening and landscaping grows. This is why you’ll be making a good call by starting a garden and landscaping company. If you’d like to know how you can do this with a good chance of success, read on for five great tips.

1. Consider Financing

Financing plays a major role in any business, so you need to secure financing for your company from the start. Look into different options to find out where you can get this to keep your company running. While at it, you should think about enlisting the help of an expert to make sure that you’re aware of all your financial obligations from a legal point. You should also learn about things like invoice factoring. This is a type of accounts receivable financing that converts all outstanding invoices that are due in 90 days into immediate cash that you can use in your small business. When you use such a service, you can focus on other aspects of your garden business!

2. Think About the Services You’ll Offer

You also need to know the specific services that your garden and landscaping company will offer. This will enable you to plan for the future and you can understand the risks and other details that you need to plan for. At the start, you can offer minimal services, which you’ll be able to comfortably and efficiently work on with the best outcome. Don’t be tempted to bite off more than you can chew because you may end up ruining your reputation when you fail at a task that you have on your list of services. Clients are not likely to give you a second chance if you disappoint them the first time, so make sure to only provide services you’re capable of offering well and profitably.

3. Build a Great Website

Every single company in this digital age needs to have a solid online presence. This is because many people head online to find products and services that they need, so not having a website is leaving money on the table. You’ll miss out on potential clients if you don’t have a digital presence, so invest in one and ensure that it’s of good quality. Note that 50% of consumers believe that the design of a website is crucial to the overall brand of a business. This means that you should hire a professional marketing agency to create and optimize a website for your business.

4. Research the Equipment You’ll Need

It’s important for you to also start with a good idea of the equipment that you’ll need to keep your business running. This will be dictated by the services that you intend to offer so you can see the importance of planning such details from the start. When you know the equipment you need to get, it’ll also be possible to come up with a reasonable budget and seek financing the right way.

5. Consider the Team You’ll Hire

Finally, you should know the positions for which you’ll need to hire so that you can start searching for the best employees for your company. This will entail determining the skills and qualifications they need and putting up advertisements to find them. You could also network and rely on word of mouth to help you get good candidates for your open positions. Note that employees who are engaged are about 87% less likely to quit, so be sure you keep this in mind as you onboard and start taking on clients.

With these five tips, you can start a successful landscaping company and scale up over time. Make consistent efforts so that you can get a better outcome in good time.

4 Reasons to Volunteer for an Eco-Friendly Gardening Club

Volunteering is an amazing way to give back to society and spend your time in a fulfilling way. If you’re wondering whether to volunteer or what to volunteer for, there are a number of causes to volunteer for, including eco-friendly gardening. Read on to see four reasons why you should consider volunteering your time in an eco-friendly gardening club, and you might be inspired to do so once you know the benefits.

1. You Spend Time Outdoors

First of all, you might get to spend time productively if you volunteer for an eco-friendly gardening club. This will depend on the season as well as the specific activity that’s set up. When you do this, you will enjoy the benefits that come with being exposed to gardens and the outdoors, which range from relaxing to learning new things. You will also get to meet new people and can network and form new friendships, which could benefit you in the future. This is because roughly 25% of the adult population volunteer their time, energy, and talents to make a difference in the world. All of these advantages you can get from simply signing up for a volunteering activity and showing up make it worth your while.

2. It Will Cost Nothing But Your Time

Volunteering is generally absolutely free, and while you may need to spend some money to get yourself to the volunteering center and back home, along with some personal effects, that’s it. You can even learn how to start a garden of your own and benefit from doing so. If the activity you’re volunteering for tries to get you to pay a subscription fee or sell you something, then it’s most likely a scam that you should stay away from. Before you sign anything or go anywhere, verify the identity and legitimacy of the activity and the organization so that you don’t put yourself in danger.

3. You Can Make a Positive Impact on the Environment

When you volunteer for an eco-friendly gardening club, you will be taking part in activities that stand to make a positive impact on the environment. This is something that we should already all be doing, but that may be difficult for some people to get around to doing. Signing up as a volunteer is a sure way to play your part in keeping the environment green and trying to reverse the damage already done to it, as more than 80% of the most serious sites of hazardous waste in the United States have had a negative impact on the quality of groundwater nearby. You will likely learn new ways of improving the environment for the long term, so you can learn how to live more sustainably.

4. You Set an Amazing Example

Finally, when you volunteer your time and skills to an eco-friendly gardening club, you set a great example for the people around you. If you have young children, they will learn better from seeing you do eco-friendly activities than they will from simply being told that it’s something they can do. If they’re the right age, you can even take them with you to your next volunteering session at a time when they don’t have school or other commitments. You can mold your family to become more environmentally conscious and they, in turn, may teach those that they interact with on a daily basis. This means that the positive impact from just your participation will go a long way and have an amazing effect if you sustain the efforts.

These four reasons should inspire you to sign up as a volunteer for a local eco-friendly gardening club. You may enjoy the time you spend there and the fact that you will also make a positive impact on the environment makes it all the more worth it.

If You’re Over 50, Here’s Why You Should Start Gardening

Growing a garden is an excellent activity for all ages, but it is especially good for people over the age of 50. Spending time coaxing seedlings to grow or harvesting the results of your hard work can be deeply satisfying. But it is also great for your physical and mental health. Here are a few reasons why, if you’re over 50, you should start gardening this spring season.

Get Some Exercise

Gardening isn’t intense exercise, but it does get your body moving. Between weeding, harvesting, and upkeep, you’ll get your heart rate up and work your muscles. You get a workout without necessarily realizing it since you’re so focused on the task at hand. This makes it a great addition to your daily routine.

As you get older, your body starts to have more problems. While exercise can’t solve all of them, it can help you ward off certain problems and improve existing ones. People over the age of 75 have a 70% chance of needing long-term care. Working in your garden might not prevent you from needing help, but it will give you a healthier foundation to work from as you age.

Enjoy Nature

Time spent in nature can be refreshing, but it doesn’t mean you can only find this rejuvenation deep in the forest or on a mountaintop somewhere. If you grow a garden, you can find it right in your backyard. The majority of people say that spending time in nature is important. A Harris Poll for the National Association of Landscape Professionals found that 75% of Americans feel it is important to spend time outside in their yards. By growing a garden, you can make your yard a more relaxing and enjoyable place to be. This will get you outside more, which will allow you to reap the benefits of spending time in nature as often as possible.

Learn New Things

If you want to keep your mind sharp, you need to always be learning new things. Growing a garden after the age of 50 is a good way to keep learning and exploring the world around you. Not only can engagement keep you sharp, but learning new things can also improve your life on a practical level. For example, you’ll need to learn how to take care of your plants. Food-bearing plants must contend with over 10,000 types of plant-eating insects. If you spend time researching how to protect your plants, you’ll be able to utilize that information and get a better harvest.

Have Fun

Growing a garden is fun! You spend time in the sunshine, you get to work with your hands and mind, and you get delicious results! Even if you don’t consider the documented benefits gardening provides for your physical and mental health, you can just have fun with it. Grow foods you like to eat and watch them slowly form. Or experiment with a new plant or gardening technique. If you grow a garden as a hobby, you don’t need to stress over it. Instead, you can use it to add some fun and excitement to your daily routine.

Just because you’re over the age of 50 does not mean you should stop trying new things. If you’ve never gardened before, this spring season is the perfect time to pick it up. You’ll have fun as you grow beautiful flowers and delicious crops. Then you’ll also reap the benefits of moving your body and engaging your mind, two things that are extremely important to keep doing as you get older. So, take a look at your yard and consider how you could begin a garden in it this season!

2 Different Ways To Start An Avocado Seed


2 Different Ways To Start An Avocado Seed

People love to put avocados on everything. I’m as much an avocado fanatic as the next person, but they don’t come cheap. Here’s how to start an avocado seed at home.

Growing avocados at home

I’ll be upfront with you. Growing an avocado tree takes time and patience. And it’s not a task suited to beginners who kill most of their indoor plants.  Your homegrown tree is unlikely to bear fruit, even if you’re a meticulous pro. And it can take over a decade for some trees to produce fruit. Yikes!

But even if you don’t manage to cultivate any edible fruit, starting an avocado seed is a fun project to do with kids. It’s also a challenge all on its own.

Steps involved in starting an avocado seed

Before you attempt to sprout an avocado, you’ll need an avocado pit. So get ready to make some guacamole and save that pit for later.

Make sure you keep avocado out of reach of any pets in your household. It can be toxic to some animals.

You can start an avocado seed one of two ways: In a glass of water or in soil.

The glass water method is slower but it’s fun to watch the seed sprout.

In soil, everything happens out of view.

If you’re starting an avocado from seed as an educational activity with kids, use the glass water method because it’s more visual.

To start your avocado seed in water:

  • Pop some toothpicks in the avocado
  • Set the tooth-picked seed atop a full glass of water, half of the seed should be submerged in water
  • Put the water glass set up on a sunny windowsill or under a grow light
  • Make sure to add water as needed to keep half the seed submerged

It can take several weeks for the seed to sprout. Small sprouts will appear and, eventually, the main stem will emerge. At this point, go ahead and plant the avocado seed in potting soil.

To start your avocado seed in soil:

  • Pot the seed up in potting soil destined for houseplants
  • Make sure the pointy end juts out slightly from the soil
  • Keep the potting mix moist but be careful not to overwater
  • Fertilize regularly

Need a visual? Here’s a helpful video on how to grow avocado from seed:


Brice Capital Helped Me Launch My Produce Business

A few years ago, I experienced physical and mental overwhelm. I dealt with issues ranging from obesity and diabetes to chronic stress and anxiety. The pressures of my personal and professional obligations weighed me down. Trying to sustain a living and live up to the societal expectations of a successful life, I began to cave. Over time, I began to understand how my choices impacted my ability to live a happy and authentic life. So, I decided to make a change.

Healthier Living

I assessed my life and got to work making changes for the better. I eliminated anything toxic, stressful, or harmful from my life. I started diving deep into spirituality and incorporated yoga and meditation into my daily routine. Finally, I began making a shift to a plant-based diet. I created a garden in the backyard and started preparing fresh, nutritious meals at home. It took some time, but I started feeling good from the inside out.

A Greater Purpose

Adopting healthier lifestyle choices enhanced my quality of life by leaps and bounds. I wanted to share these benefits with others. So, I decided to turn my newfound hobby of gardening into a business. I wanted to sell fresh produce in my community while educating people on how to improve their diets for better living.

I got to work researching starting a produce business. Although I knew it would take hard work and dedication, I had no idea how much it would cost. There’s a lot of financial responsibility with being an entrepreneur, and I wanted to make sure I was ready. Ultimately, I had to clean up my finances.

Reducing My Debt

My first goal was to reduce my debt so I could cover household and business expenses. Most of my debt was credit cards that had gotten too expensive to manage. I found a site called BriceCapital.com and wanted to learn more. It turns out they’re a financial agency that offers debt consolidation loans to financially strapped consumers. It’s an opportunity to lump your credit card accounts into one, affordable, easy-to-manage loan.

I did a background check on the agency and found that they were responsible for helping many Americans pursue dreams, from investing in real estate to traveling the world. I talked with an agent and got approved for a loan that lowered my interest, monthly payments and saved me a ton on late fees. I was also surprised at the emotional and physical relief I got from getting my finances in order.

Building A Savings

Since running a business requires a financial investment, I wanted to ensure I had money. I didn’t want to risk going back into debt. The best way to do that was to set money aside for expenses. Fortunately, I saved so much money on high-interest credit cards that I had a few bucks to put into an account. I also started keeping a portion of my income and completing small tasks for some extra money. Over the course of a year, I built a strong enough nest egg to pursue my produce and nutrition education business.

Launching My Dream

Once I had my debt under control and decent savings, I was ready to launch my vision. I got to work building a more extensive garden, purchasing supplies, creating a website, and marketing my services. I started selling my produce at local farmer’s markets and providing nutritional classes online. It took a while to gain traction, but many people were interested in learning more about healthy living before long.

My life was in shambles less than five years ago. I understood I had a lot to live for, so I put in the work to make the change. Upon experiencing this freeing sense of life, I decided I wanted to share that with others. Brice Capital gave me the starting chance I needed to accomplish my goals. With less debt, I could focus my attention and money on building something that would improve many lives.