What should you wear when you’re working in the garden? Jeans and a top is obviously fine. However, you might want to consider getting overalls. They’re durable, protect your clothes and body, and have great pockets. Plus, they can be cute. Here is a look at why you might want them. Plus we have the…
Should I Use Enviro Ice On My Plants?
Every week, I receive food from Hungryroot. It’s a great service through which you can get meal prep or just general groceries. Much of the food needs to stay cold. Therefore, they put cold packs inside the box. They use an option called Enviro Ice. You can dispose of it in many ways, including apparently…
What Happens to Plants If You Use Enviro Ice on Them?
About one year ago, I wrote an article here about Enviro Ice. Companies use this product to keep items cold for shipping. I receive it in my HungryRoot food deliveries each month. According to the company, you can use this nitrogen-based product to fertilize your plants. I considered trying it. However, for reasons explained in…
8 Best Gardening Hats for Ultimate Sun Protection and Style!
The best gardening hats offer protection from the sun that goes beyond just providing a little bit of shade. They protect your eyes. Moreover, they help regulate your body heat. Plus they have other great features such as protection from rain or insects. Of course, you might as well be stylish while in the garden…
Cheap and Economical Humidity Dome Alternatives
If you grow your plants from seeds then you probably know what a humidity dome is. (If not, don’t worry, we’ll go over it briefly below.) Just like with all of your other gardening supplies, you can buy humidity domes from a variety of different sources. However, you can also DIY them. Here are some…
DIY Squash Trellis Under $10
Growing squash is a great idea. There are many great squash varieties to feed your family. However, you want to plan ahead when growing squash. If you don’t, then this plant can take over your entire garden. In particular, you’ll want to train your squash to grow on a trellis. Here are some great…
Gardening Supplies You Can Get at Dollar Tree
Have you been to your local Dollar Tree lately? If so, have you checked out their gardening supplies? If not, then you’re missing out. Dollar Tree gardening supplies are inexpensive and yet work just as well as pricier options that you might be elsewhere. You can get gardening basics like seeds, of course. You can…
Top 6 Gardening Knee Pads on Amazon
Gardening knee pads are protective gear designed to provide cushioning and support for your knees while you’re working in the garden. They typically consist of padded material, such as foam or gel, encased in a durable fabric, and are worn over the knees. These pads help prevent discomfort, bruising, or strain caused by prolonged kneeling…
Seed-Saving Techniques You Should Master
Seed-saving is the practice of intentionally collecting and preserving seeds from plants grown in a garden or farm for future planting and propagation. It involves deliberately selecting, harvesting, and storing seeds from mature, healthy plants to ensure the continuation of specific plant varieties. Why Care About Seed-Saving? Seed saving holds immense significance in the realm…
Frugal Garden Ideas from Italian Renaissance Gardens
Recently I’ve been sharing with you some of the garden designs that I would like to learn more about. This week, I want to talk a bit about Italian Renaissance Gardens. I’ve researched a little bit of their history and their design style. Additionally, I have thought about ways to incorporate elements of that design…